Well my plan to move to NY this spring is in motion. I am on my way for the weekend to scope out Brooklyn where I believe I will reside. I can't believe it is here. When you are on your path doors and windows open. Last year this time I toyed with the idea of moving back home to L.A......but I hate L.A. and I've done it. And no movement happened while I was on my L.A. shit cause my shit really is NY.
I am so grateful to be in the moment. To be able to see it take form, the process of moving from being a west-coaster to an east-coaster. In all of my 7 years of being in tha bay, not once have I owned a down jacket. What tha fuck have I been doing I have no clue, but today I found a super-cute, chocolate brown (my color) down-filled jacket with a fur-lined hood and everything! And I learned about a new (to me) designer: BUFFALO David Bitton. Hot.

So let me go, I've got trees to roll and a suitcase to double check. Life is good. And we have everything we need inside of us to get'her done. Just believe. And breathe. And go.
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