Oh gosh...I've gone and done it. I have created a blog!
I found out about blogging while surfing for gossip on the net, an aide I used as an On-air Radio Personality/Morning show producer in 2005/06. Now I can't go a day without checking in on about 7 different blogs. Entertainment gossip, fashion/beauty and gossip;-) blogs are my addiction of choice. Now in recent months, a host of my friends have been poppin' up with there own blog pages. I love it.
{{may i say here that I am in the last :15mins. of watching a two-hour long American Idol. I said that I would not do it. But the guys were really good....and I Did start a blog...}}
I started to think that I would like a spot were I could get all of the above. Hmmmm, and I also needed a space to write my crazy ass thoughts down. I seem to be a person capable of being 'in the know'. I'm a social butterfly flinting in and out of many different scenes, oh and we won't even discuss all of the music I can introduce you to. Hmmmm.....
Of course with blogging online comes public opinion. And while all of our opinions and comments may have absolutely nothing to do with said post, one thing is always for sure; who was first to comment! Not only did I want to bring you my opinion, I want you to know that I was first to bring you all the hot fashions, up to the minute gossip, the bangin'est music you've heard from House, Soul, Nu-Jazz and World music artist across the globe, under my DJ moniker Charlotte Webb a.k.a Bonnie Parker and of course my thoughts and or rants.
I had been thinkin' bout this till I was like let me just check for the name even if I don't get it started right away. Originally I would have liked to call this blog First! but I believe it was taken. Never to bow out at number 2, I came up with 'Am I first?' Cause inevitably, you'd like to know. Lol. So here we are....I have so much to learn but blogger promised me easy to use options. I'm excited.
It's late. And I want to savor the moment b4 I go to sleep. so more on me and the blog tomorrow, God willing;-)